My Love Is Falling Down Tonight
My love is falling down tonight
Falling from the highest heights
Please believe me, I was made for you
And in that place I'll take my sleep
That dark and dreary, weary weep
Please believe me, I was made for you
And there I'll take sweet solitude
In all those charcoaled walls of nude
I'll split you through your middle seed
When darkened torments tangled weed
Sprouts the bud of lonely dust
The singular power of only us
Please believe me, I'm in love with you
(Instrumental Break)
My love is falling down tonight
Falling from the highest heights
-From Ode to a Dream, by The Overmen
Falling from the highest heights
Please believe me, I was made for you
And in that place I'll take my sleep
That dark and dreary, weary weep
Please believe me, I was made for you
And there I'll take sweet solitude
In all those charcoaled walls of nude
I'll split you through your middle seed
When darkened torments tangled weed
Sprouts the bud of lonely dust
The singular power of only us
Please believe me, I'm in love with you
(Instrumental Break)
My love is falling down tonight
Falling from the highest heights
-From Ode to a Dream, by The Overmen
i can not BELiEVE you changed it. the original is SOOO much better.
i mean really. may i quote:
my love is falling down tonight
falling from the highest heights
to pound your heart the neverless
with our own dual togetherness
and in that place i'll take my sleep
that dark and dreary, weary weep
and there i'll take sweet solitude in all those charcoal walls of nude
i'll split you through your middle seed
when darkened torments tangled weed
sprouts the bud of lonely dust
the singular power of only us.
and yes that is entirely from memory, not copied and pasted
~you already know, don't you? :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, November 11, 2007 2:02:00 AM