On Lost Memories of the Individual
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;
Labour and rest, that equal periods keep;
"Obedient slumbers that can wake and weep;"
Desires compos'd, affections ever ev'n,
Tears that delight, and sighs that waft to Heav'n.
Grace shines around her with serenest beams,
And whisp'ring angels prompt her golden dreams.
For her th' unfading rose of Eden blooms,
And wings of seraphs shed divine perfumes,
For her the Spouse prepares the bridal ring,
For her white virgins hymeneals sing,
To sounds of heav'nly harps she dies away,
And melts in visions of eternal day.
-Pope Alexander
They say that you should not internalize powerful emotions, as they will eventually build up like freezing water and break their container, in this case the human mind. But it is my belief that it is the terrible times in life that mold our personality above all others, nay, that those are the only times that mold our personality. Never has the thought came to be that I learned a lesson from a day of ease and perfection in happenings. Never has the thought came to be that I was a stronger, better person who made better decisions through a day without conflict or troubles. It is the terrible times that build us, the terrible times that bind us, and the terrible times that force us to change. This change is instinctual; since the dawn of man we have evolved in response to those things which occur around us and are not of our control. Mankind wishes to change, and must always be changing; to release uncontrollably powerful emotions is to find and equalibrium between the internal and the external, and therefore attempting to remain constant, promoting homogeny and uniformity, which in their very natures are anti-human.
It is the troubles in time that mold us into who we are and make us human, make us individuals, and individuality is one of the most important things that exist in the personal universe.
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;
Labour and rest, that equal periods keep;
"Obedient slumbers that can wake and weep;"
Desires compos'd, affections ever ev'n,
Tears that delight, and sighs that waft to Heav'n.
Grace shines around her with serenest beams,
And whisp'ring angels prompt her golden dreams.
For her th' unfading rose of Eden blooms,
And wings of seraphs shed divine perfumes,
For her the Spouse prepares the bridal ring,
For her white virgins hymeneals sing,
To sounds of heav'nly harps she dies away,
And melts in visions of eternal day.
-Pope Alexander
They say that you should not internalize powerful emotions, as they will eventually build up like freezing water and break their container, in this case the human mind. But it is my belief that it is the terrible times in life that mold our personality above all others, nay, that those are the only times that mold our personality. Never has the thought came to be that I learned a lesson from a day of ease and perfection in happenings. Never has the thought came to be that I was a stronger, better person who made better decisions through a day without conflict or troubles. It is the terrible times that build us, the terrible times that bind us, and the terrible times that force us to change. This change is instinctual; since the dawn of man we have evolved in response to those things which occur around us and are not of our control. Mankind wishes to change, and must always be changing; to release uncontrollably powerful emotions is to find and equalibrium between the internal and the external, and therefore attempting to remain constant, promoting homogeny and uniformity, which in their very natures are anti-human.
It is the troubles in time that mold us into who we are and make us human, make us individuals, and individuality is one of the most important things that exist in the personal universe.
Emotions have their way of showing up and molding themselves to our souls. Every emotion contributes to our personality, but the emotions that we have through troubled times show more often and holds on to our personalities. They are the ones that make us who we are.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, March 11, 2005 11:27:00 PM